Anatoly Bondar

is a professional artist who has exhibited both in his native Ukraine and other Eastern European countries. Watercolors, xylographs and other miscellaneous works, representing Mr. Bondar's innovative techniques in a variety of styles, are available for purchase.










I was born in 1945 in Soviet Ukraine, the son of a coalminer. My art education began late in life when at the age of twenty-five I abandoned engineering studies and enrolled in art college. Four years later, I entered the Kiev Art Institute and graduated at age thirty-five. While still a student, I participated in four professional competitions, in one placing second and in another third. Later I became a laureate of three All-Ukrainian and two international political poster competitions. In recognition of achieving special success in "fighting American imperialism," I received prizes from the Peace Protection Committee and the International Competition in Moscow. I was a member of the Communist Party until 1989 when I resigned.

In 1992, I "discovered" America through meeting American missionaries. Four years later, I repented of my sins before the Lord and asked Jesus Christ to be the Lord of my life. In 1998, I was baptized in water at New Life Church in Metallist, Ukraine. Now I decline any work that contradicts the teachings of God's Word. I pray that the Lord would use the abilities He has given me to spread the Good News.

Glory be to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

Anatoly Bondar lives with his wife Galena and three of their children in Lugansk,Ukraine where he works as an artist.


BondarArt 2003